Friday, September 12, 2008

So, where's my flying car!?!?!?

So I'm really getting to thinking about technology and whatnot since we've started this new endeavor here at the library. I guess I've kinda always taken technology for granted since I've grown up along with it. I remember my first game Texas Instruments with it's bulking interface, horrible graphics and a keyboard nonetheless, playing my heart out at GOAL! lol. Now I'm curled up on my couch playing my PS3 with it's lifelike graphics and wireless controllers, trying my hardest to understand Madden 09, but I think I need to grasp football in general. (Chris is such a trooper.) :) I think I've owned or at least played a majority of game systems ever created, and they just keep getting better and better.
But it's not just game systems.....everything around us is "the future". Cell phones are the communicators that Kirk used to get Scotty to "Beam me up"...c'mon Nextel's chirp even sounds similar. Plus, any car made today could totally outdo KIT from Knight Rider...seriously, I don't think KIT could get you to the nearest Starbucks! Go TomTom!

So with all these advancements....internet, cars, phones, games, photos, on and on and on.....don't you think it's time for our flying cars already? I'm ready to scoot around like the Jetsons! (Although, I'm not big on the tube elevator thing they had...they can keep that!) :)

1 comment:

FutureExec said...

Totally love TomTom! Some friends let us borrow one on a trip. Now I want one. Totally awesome gadget. And useful. :)